whenever possible, avoid the trite

Today’s Writing
The only thing people noticed that summer was the beauty of the creature. The way she held her head when she spoke. Or parted her lips when she smiled. The way her eyes seemed to shine with see-through innocence, and the soft purr her voice made when she laughed. She was everything a woman ought to have been, thought the town’s pastor, once, twice, more times than he would ever let his mouth or soul admit.
A shining example. That’s what they said. More than one person called her an angel. And it made sense, because that’s what she was.
It was two in the morning when the devil came to Cunning County. Wearing a white dress and blond hair and an unholy glory that made everyone who met her want to share in that sense of something that made her who she was.
“You should take something ordinary, something from ordinary life, without a plot or an ending.” – Chekhov