Browsing category blogging

beverly lewis’ the shunning. hallmark.

One of the films The Euro worked on last year, The Shunning, is premiering on The Hallmark Channel on Saturday. Based on Beverly Lewis’ fantastic novel of the same name, from the Heritage of Lancaster County Series, The Shunning was directed by Michael Landon, Jr. and produced with Brian Bird. Starring Danielle Panabaker, Sherry Stringfield,

van lear, baby.

(Flynn in Repose) Buffy: Do you have weekends off? I want to visit soon. I need a muse. If I don’t get these revisions finished by my birthday, I’m cutting off my ear. Flynn: Yes! Every weekend off, and after the first week of May I’m free and easy, baby. PLEASE COME. Together we will

la vie en rose

The only thing worse than having your doctor tell you you’re shorter and fatter than you think you are is having him ask if your hair falling out. “Any clumps? Bald patches? Noticeable thinning?” Fantastic. Still, it’s an absolutely gorgeous day out and my boss brought in muffins from Trader Joes and java from my

submarine. comfortable shoes.

Macaroni and Cheese and Richard Ayoade. The only things in the world that consistently help me beat the blues. The Euro’s all very blasé about the former, but the latter he loves – especially since the trailers for Submarine, Ayoade’s directorial feature debut, started surfacing. It’s all very Jean-Luc Godard and, you know, it’s Moss,

galifianakis girls

I’ve decided to run a half marathon with my sister. The Euro says it’ll be a good long-distance bonding experience but all I can think, when I think of my sister and me doing anything athletic, is “BUDDY FILM” and how I’ll be like Zack Galifianakis and how she’ll be like Robert Downey, Jr. How

pancake day spring clean

We decided on Cracker Barrel at noon and I ordered the “Kid’s Pancakes” because it’s Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day. When you’re in the American South trying to follow an English tradition what this means, essentially, is instead of a nice crispy pastry you end up eating an entire kind-of-apple-pie, complete with whipped cream .

i’m asleep. that’s what i am.

“I’m asleep. That’s what I am. I’m always asleep.” My grandmother has dementia. I spend my weekends with her. On Sunday she had a pensive moment and when I asked her if she was ok she said “I’m asleep. That’s what I am. I’m always asleep.” She looked so sad and so done with caring,

and johnny cash on the radio.

.99 each at the Goodwill After sleeping vertically for most of the week, I managed to get all horizontal last night. And this morning. And this afternoon. I’ve kipped more in the past 24 hours than I have in the past 2 weeks. Now I’m all Greenwich Mean and groggy and trying to finish the

arabian nights

There used to be a massive Borders bookstore just outside of Manchester. The Euro and I would spend rainy Saturdays there drinking coffee and reading American Magazines. It’s sunnier here (72degrees on Friday!) and more difficult to justify a day indoors but we manage to do it now and then. A few weeks ago we

lars and the real girl

Lars and the Real Girl (2007) There are favorites, and then there are favorites. Books or movies we always come back to. For me, it’s Flannery O’Connor and Chekhov. It’s Beautiful Girls. And it’s Lars. There’s nothing I can say about Lars and the Real Girl that can do it proper credit. The screenplay, by

bunny and poodle

When we were young we used to write letters to one another from aboard Venetian gondolas and beneath Cambodian crypts. Flamboyant and fabulous. All the places we will be from. On Thursday, this arrived in the post. Hang in there, yeah?