arabian nights

There used to be a massive Borders bookstore just outside of Manchester. The Euro and I would spend rainy Saturdays there drinking coffee and reading American Magazines. It’s sunnier here (72degrees on Friday!) and more difficult to justify a day indoors but we manage to do it now and then. A few weeks ago we went to Barnes & Noble, this time to read British Magazines, lunch on lattes and peruse the cinematography books. I had a 50% discount code so I brought home this little lovely for under a tenner.

The Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics Collection is gorgeous. They’re not Folio, which I understand hold up much better under thumbing, but they’re a steal for the price. I don’t buy these books to read – I use dog-eared paperbacks for that. I buy them to display. The Arabian Knights isn’t my favorite title in the collection but I think it’s the most beautiful.

The Arabian Knights (translated by Richard F. Burton)
Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics Collection

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